Personal Information (PI) includes any identifying details about you. When you engage with Inclusion Health, we may collect personal information such as your name, date of birth, address, email address, phone number, and, if applicable, credit card information for payment purposes (please note that credit card information is not retained after the transaction is completed).
Personal Health Information (PHI) refers to any written or spoken information relating to your physical or mental health, healthcare provision, eligibility or payment for healthcare, and the identities of healthcare providers. This includes your health card number, which should only be requested by authorized healthcare providers for appropriate purposes.
Inclusion Health collects and generates personal and personal health information when providing services to you or someone else as requested. We have designated a Chief Privacy Officer who ensures our compliance with privacy legislation, including the ten privacy principles outlined in PIPEDA.
We collect, use, and disclose your personal or personal health information for the following purposes:
Your consent is essential before we collect, use, or disclose your personal or personal health information. You should have a clear understanding of the purposes for which we require your information and the ability to withhold or withdraw your consent, fully or partially. It's important to be aware of the potential consequences of refusing or withdrawing consent, which may impact our ability to provide assessment, treatment, or other services.
We make reasonable efforts to inform you of the purposes for which your information will be used, ensuring you can provide informed consent. In our clinics, you will be asked to read and sign a consent form. In other care settings, such as home visits, you will receive a Privacy Notice to review with your family member or substitute decision-maker. After clarifying any questions, you can provide verbal consent, which will be documented.
You have the right to withdraw your consent, wholly or partially, for the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal or personal health information. To exercise this right, provide reasonable written notice to the facility manager or supervisor, or the care provider visiting your home. The healthcare provider will inform you of any potential consequences before you make your decision, as it may affect our ability to provide certain services.
Please note that withdrawal of consent is not retroactive and does not apply to information already collected, used, or disclosed by Inclusion Health.
We strive to maintain the accuracy, completeness, and currency of your personal or personal health information as required for our intended purposes. When you return for further treatment or services, we update your file accordingly.
To ensure the security of your information, Inclusion Health has implemented various safeguards, including organizational, physical, and technological measures. Our personnel undergo privacy training and sign confidentiality agreements. We utilize secure storage systems, encryption for mobile data devices, virus protection, regular backups, and password-controlled access to our computer systems.
We retain your personal or personal health information for the necessary duration to fulfill the original purposes, meet legal obligations, and comply with regulatory requirements.
You have the right to request access to your personal or personal health information by submitting a written request to the facility or program manager or supervisor. Alternatively, you can provide the request to your home healthcare provider. Inclusion Health will respond to your request within 30 days. We will either grant access to the requested information, explain any necessary time extensions, or provide written reasons if access is denied.
There is no charge for reviewing your record. It is advisable to have your therapist or care provider present during the review to explain any medical or technical terms and ensure accurate interpretation.
If you wish to receive a copy of your information held by Inclusion Health, you will be informed of any associated fees in advance. The fees will depend on factors such as the number of pages requested, location (if retrieval from a storage facility is required), complexity, and time needed to recreate the record from an electronic system. All fees for copies of personal health information are calculated based on reasonable cost recovery.
You also have the right to request the correction or amendment of any personal or personal health information held by Inclusion Health if you believe it to be inaccurate or incomplete. We are obligated to correct records that are deemed deficient, unless the information was not created by current Inclusion personnel or consists of a professional opinion made in good faith. If we disagree with your request, your record will note the disagreement and include your written request and reasons for refusal.
When corrections or amendments are made, or disagreements arise regarding amendments, relevant parties who received the original information may be informed. Inclusion Health personnel will take appropriate action as instructed by you.
If you have concerns about Inclusion Health's handling and protection of your personal or personal health information, you can file a complaint with our Chief Privacy Officer. Write your complaint and submit it to the facility or program manager/supervisor or your home health care provider, who will promptly notify the Chief Privacy Officer. We investigate all complaints related to our management of personal and personal health information.
For further information or assistance, please contact our Chief Privacy Officer at +1 (778) 879-1721 or via email at
Inclusion Health - Safeguarding Your Privacy